

英検対策 英作文の課題(2022年12月08日)


『働き方改革は良いことか』( →『反対』の場合)




I think work style reform is not good. I have two reasons.

The first reason is that, it is hard for small and medium sized companies to introduce work style reform. These companies do not have enough workforces. Sometimes, they have to deal with urgent work and troubles. However, following work style reform, they must be required to complete the tasks within limited time. As a result, without reducing work time, they can not get enough salary.

The second reason is that, most of companies admit teleworking, on the other hand, small and medium sized companies are not willing to introduce teleworking, because of the cost of facilities. They need to come up with a new idea to survive and reducing waste of time. However, within the limited time , it is difficult to develop their technologies. By introducing work style reform, small and medium companies will become weaker and weaker.

From these reasons, work style reform is not a good idea.



働き方改革は良くないと思います。 私には2つの理由があります。

第一の理由は、中小企業では働き方改革を導入するのが難しいということです。 これらの会社には十分な労働力がありません。ときには、彼らは緊急の仕事やトラブルに対処しなければなりません。ただし、ワークスタイル改革後は、限られた時間内にタスクを完了する必要があります。その結果、労働時間を短縮しなければ、十分な給料を得ることができません。

